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Ho, a "Deleted post" after mine, it's cool.. x) 

I'm in the third area right now but, I'll give you my feedback about the Cultists when I'll meet them !

I have a question, can you add the possibility to always move the camera, even during the enemy turn ?  I have choose "manual pan camera" option and it's frustrating not be able to move it and not to see whats the enemy do :/ 

PS . I don't understand what it is "reverse drag"

Hi. Glad you are enjoying it some so far. In auto mode the camera should always pan to a visible enemy on their turn. Making the camera always movable creates some issues but we can look into how we can make it work in a more satisfactory way.

The reverse drag is for the other mode of moving the camera with the mouse right click and drag. It reverses the orientation.