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(1 edit)

Hey! I'm Kevin, I've done all kinds of game art, but mostly pixel art. I provided stuff for Starbound as a contributor -- the Synthesizer's armor was my design originally, as were some of the weapons. Besides that, I've done illustration, I'm not bad with scripting, and I like food and I play a liiiittle bit of piano.

Now I'm experimenting with making games all on my own. It's kind of hard, but it's a lot of fun! Thanks for being here and having awesome jams, itch. :)

Welcome, Kevin!

Glad to see so many still carry on with Pixel art! Not everything has to be super duper ultra realistic HD all the time :)

Thanks! Glad to be here! :) I dig lots of different kinds of styles, but pixels are so fun and approachable. And a little pragmatic for quick asset development too, I suppose. ;)