Ill reply fully later, once kids are settled and I have a minute, but here's the link for the TWS discord:
Right, a few minutes of my own now!
- Whilst I appreciate it is incredibly bad form to copy something very closely, a lot (like loads) of people want a TWS clone, because TWS looked very fun to play (someone on the Discord, on learning that you had been invited literally stated "if it gets us our that which sleeps clone im all for it").
- I love the idea of adding an RPG element to the enemy and I absolutely agree that faces allow more narrative interest.
- Re Events - I just thought it was the quickest and easiest way to allow branching gameplay. But I'm no gamedev, to be fair. I wouldn't worry about art mind, that's somewhat superfluous. The reason I've suggested them is that they allow a sort of roguelike element and replayability. The player wonders what would've happened if they had chosen another option. It also allows the game to feel more "alive" (not sure how to express myself well here I'm afraid. All I can say on this is that some of the mechanics (infiltration, for example) felt like I was going through motions to increase numbers, rather than doing a risky and interesting task. Not sure that makes sense, but hopefully something there is of use!
- I'm not scared on how you want to develop the game man, it's entirely your baby and it's not my place. My interest here is entirely selfish - I want a TWS like game and this is by far the closest thing available. I'll offer my suggestions and you can use them or throw them away, that's entirely your prerogative and I'm not precious. You'll always have my support though, because you are doing something that I actively get enjoyment from, regardless of where you go from here!