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I only ask because 2 weeks is not a lot of time to put a game together AND a web back end.

(1 edit) (+1)

1) I wish we had two weeks to put this all together; unfortunately we only did it in one.

2) We use for the high score table. There is an accompanying front-end asset on the Unity Asset Store but we decided to write our own solution for that. We would have also written the back-end but our main concern was having to pay for server space.


1: Yeah I'm debating polishing until the end or just going ahead and releasing. I was still pretty impressed how far you got in a small amount of time.

2: I usually use a .NET core backend since I don't have a hosting cost because of my regular day job. The problem is it takes a while to develop so it's not ideal for a game jam. Plus then you are responsible for the data too so you have to be careful what you collect. Thank you for showing me this, it will definitely make things easier for me in the future.