I’m using localized swf version 0.43.621, that should be the latest version. I could also reproduce it on the web version yesterday.
No, the wrong travel shrine issue caused me to find 5 undiscovered shrines. Each shrine sent me to a new, unkown shrine, only the final one sent me back to the one shrine I found normally. No idea what caused it, it happened on the first run of the game, after downloading it.
Edit: I just found out I copied the .sol files that day (I savescum sometimes). Turns out I actually only found 4 new shrines that way. Tell me if you want me to send you the files in some way.
You’re right, the auto option suggestion is very specific. I can’t really unequip the auto, if I used the sword I couldn’t have something else to quickly switch to. But it’s not important, I probably should just be paying more attention. And once you get the blessed sword it works like I’d like it, anyway.
You’re welcome, thank you for making this game!