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Hey! I used this asset in my game. :) Thanks for making this!


Thank you for making this game! I just got to play through it and I absolutely loved it. It's a really fun game and I would love to see the concept expanded in the future. Felt very Carrion inspired, which isn't a bad thing. I particularly loved that you could use the final boss missiles against the human controlling it. Lots of little details like that made the game feel super polished and well thought out.

I personally of course love the inclusion of my button prompts you used the red keyboard keys in some creative ways to create menu's and I thought that was really cool. I also liked that you didn't explain mechanics until they were relevant, never new the right mouse button could be used until I was well versed with how to use the main attack and you had introduced the secondary. Really good job of teaching the player.

Loved this game, keep developing!