hi! Thanks for debugging the museum hack!!
I got it working! Though, now that we are in Bitsy version 7.2, a few things have changed that I thought I would mention here in case anyone else wants to use your fix for the hack!
The first code to replace in the Bitsy Museum should look like this:
if(end){ startEndingDialog(end); }
and be replaced by:
if (end){ /* BITSY MUSEUM HACK: jump to the appropriate game! */ window.location.href = dialog[end.id].src + ".html"; }
Then just one more small note, I think in the last code block you have here on this page (the one above "You're now done..."), there is an extra open bracket after the comments.
Other than that it works for Bitsy v. 7.2!! I tested it online in itch too and it works! Hooray!!