Absolutely fantastic. The fact that you managed to near perfectly emulate not only the visuals of the original Silent Hill, but also the atmosphere and overall vibe, is amazing. I truly felt like I was taken back 21 years when I played the game for the first time.
My only feedback might be to work on the camera system/placements a little more, as there were times I was cheaped out by an enemy because the it wouldn't cooperate or was hidden behind some scenery. Another gripe I would express is how the puzzles are laid out. I was at a complete loss on the clock puzzle (was it something to do with the order of numbers on the different notes?) and eventually had to restart with a lower riddle difficulty.
The combat felt fine, the controls were fluid, and I didn't have much issue with the "platforming" areas. Overall, very solid game. I'm excited to see what becomes of the project in the near future!