Hi! I tried downloading this game on my mac, but for some reason (though I'm the owner) it says: "You do not have permission to open the application “Scrabdackle”." Does anyone know how to fix this? It's been happening to a bunch of games I've downloaded from itch.io...
I don't know how to fix it, sorry. I've heard of a lot of general problems with Macs not being able to run games that weren't compiled on a Mac themselves due to overprotective authentication design - apparently Steam has a way of authenticating Mac builds, but it isn't something widely available to other platforms. Wish I could do something :/
Right click on it, then press "Open" if you were directly clicking in your dock, then it will ask for confirmation. Click "Open". Otherwise, go to System Preferences, then go to "Security & Privacy" then you should see something that says it was blocked and a button to open it anyway. Click on that.