Here's my initial pitch, Josh, in case you're worried: "I'm looking at the seeds for the Refraction Jam while listening to Gorillaz's Demon Days, like ya do, and I think I want to make a game about post-apocalyptic planeswalkers, where they're the "Last Living Souls" setting forth from the last bastion, the small empty castle at the end of everything, but "Every Planet We Reach Is Dead," having all suffered some trans-planar apocalypse. But the planeswalkers have some small tiny missions to fulfill before the heat death of the multiverse. Like carrying their teacher's body back to its home plane for burial. Or delivering a letter that will never be received. Or witnessing and writing a poem about the final quadruple sunrise over the now dried-up seas of Esvesier. Things like that. So it's super depressing, but also filled with these tiny moments of meaning and beauty and camaraderie."