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(1 edit)

it is okay uvu

A loser: . Nothing that concerns you.

Alice: :| -i am in pain-

marcie: hmm hmmm  well it sure as Pardon my language heck looks like it -_-

(Fun fact marcie doesn't swear)

Alice: -looking at ~a loser~ as if asking him can you please get off me-

dee lusr: uh . . Bye. -backing away before he gets in trouble-

Alice: thank you u-u

marcie: no problemo :D

Alice: uhm- ima go home now. :T

marcie: k!

Alice: -walks to her home-

Marcie: - also walks to her home -

Alice: -quickly runs to her room before any of her family of her family notices she home- -slowly closes the door, and flops on her bed- -v-

marcie: -sits in the middle of her living room/dining room-