Wow, thanks for that experience.
I am super impressed with what you managed to accomplish using nearly only text! I think your sparing use of images, music and sound effects only increased the impact of each occurrence of these and really contributed enormously to the unsettling vibe of the game. The audio quality was fantastic.
You paced the story really well, I felt that the slow fade-ins of links were also an effective mechanism for forcing encouraging the player to process what they have just read, whilst toward the end of the game there was a more frantic urgency to proceeding as the character's realisation dawns. And the ending was fantastic, I did not see that coming!
You probably already realised this long ago but I guess 'I can't breath.' on the very first page is a typo (the only one I spotted actually, but maybe I was just too enraptured by the story to notice). The only minor thing I could suggest you improve would be the puzzle, which I felt lacked complexity, but I can understand that you might have been reluctant to scare people off (I also wasn't particularly a fan of infinity as a transposed eight, but I'll let it slide :) ).
Since this is certainly not a genre of game that I have played before, I think I have learned a lot from the experience, specifically about what a game with little to no visuals (which is usually a primary concern of mine) can accomplish, well done!