happened to me as well, to fix it(at least what i did) i downloaded the previous version of the game (1.44) from lewdzone.com and did all the events there(don't worry your save-file will be kept, then i re-downloaded the newest version(1.45) from the offical site and loaded the same save-file then the game continues. The events you need to get in 1.44 are(from what i can remember): message from parents that says you need to pay your own rent(which triggers the second time going to the nightclub with becca), the events with viki (gettting her to lvl 2 corruption) and (maybe this one is in 1.45 im not sure -->)meeting the neighbours that were spying on you. Hope this helps . The only thing in 1.45 is the halloween party so that's the last event your looking for