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Okay, so a few problems. Solid GUI, but come on man why can't you delete anything? Like, you can delete individual instances of a certain gate, but if you put a typo in the name or something there's nothing you can do except restart the whole project or learn to live with it. Speaking of, if you did make a mistake in a project and have to start over, you can't delete the old project. Plus, maybe instead of starting with AND and NOT you could just start with NAND or NOR, since you can make every logic gate out of either of those as a starting point.

all gates (including NAND and NOR gates) can be made with the AND and NOT gates but its much more complicated for no reason if you went the other way meaning starting with the AND gate and the NOT gate makes it both simple and diverse.

How is it complicated? It's no more complicated than making OR from AND and NOT gates. Look, the way I see it is there's two potential goals here, start simple for beginners (in which case it makes sense to also include OR, the other basic gate) or build your way up from nothing (in which case building everything from NAND or NOR would be better).


If there is a feature missing that you like then make it. He made it open source on Github.  I cant stand when people put out a project for free and everybody acts all entitled without lifting a finger to help.

He's posting it on for donations, I assume that means he eventually intends to make money on it. I'm not gonna do his work for him and contribute to  a project for someone else to make money on. I contribute to Open Source projects that aren't monetized. Besides, it's in alpha, I'm giving my feedback, so apparently all feedback is entitlement now?  Plus, how is it entitlement to want a feature as basic as deletion? Look you can get off your high-horse and stop being a dick to people requesting features in a product that is in alpha specifically to get feedback.

Donations doesn't mean monetization, that's the entire damn purpose of donating; it's if you really like what someone's done and want to support them. I'm sure that at least some of your "not monetized" open source projects you've contributed to have a donation system.