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Really nice looking game, and an interesting concept too. Not sure how it fits the theme of 2020 but nice game nonetheless! Really ambitious adding a multiplayer component too! I did encounter a frustrating bug, which is hitting the spacebar completely breaks/freezes the game and I have to restart :( I wish there was more, I really wanted to get past the pond area! Well done :)

Thank you! 2020 is a huge theme and I think most of the game that will be submitted are nearly related to the virus. My takeaway in 2020 is to spend more time with my love ones and there is no reason to put all of your time to work that you'll be replaced at any given time.  

Using this game we can spend a while solving our scanned family picture or something that we planned to go to this year that was cancelled due to the pandemic. 

Oh! I didn't remove the spacebar link to reload the scene when I testing the puzzle generation. Sorry about that. I'll fix it and upload new version after this jam! :)