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welcome to duchi’s dramatic Ted talk 

I’m a happy camper right now, I wrote a song, then again happinesses is not always an answer.. all good things come to an end.. the whole world is a ball in space.. we are going in a circle.. over and over.. is no one concerned about The next gen.. the whole world might crumble into pieces.. tomorrow is today and today will be yesterday.. the whole world circles over and over.. it’s endless.,

thanks for coming in my Ted talk, have a nice day


Any one getting unus annus vibes 

what if I was apart if it... 

hmm.. time travel lad... 

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Did you know know a black hole can be so microscopic it seemingly doesn't exist. But it can suck anything up in its gravitational pull. Turning tiny threads of atoms into nothingness, destroying it's existence.  Did you know there is also a black hole underneath our solar  system? But it would take thousands of years for it to catch all of us. Another thing is that there are multiple dimensions, think the wall between dimensions are a blanket, a huge flipping blanket, and you and another sides of the blankets. If someone punches you through that blanket would you feel it? Yes, you would. So think about that next time you feel itches or extreme pain.

Are you uncomfortable yet?


Spain without the s lad lol

wow lol

naw ....nerd lmao im jking (that's just how i joke with my friends )


im glad u not mad sum of my friends are like  😐😑😭 and im like😃😄😅😗 lmao

I have a relatable moments like that

yea it sucks

sounds like u need sum happiness


happiness is not my cure tho

ohh damn lol umm what about  ik that this makes everyone here happy (that song was fire tho right)

I guess lad

😥 why aren't u happy 


I’ve never had been 

oh mk

imma sad child that’s likes Pizza Hut lol

lmao pizza hut is really good 😌