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I just finished playing COVinator and I think you have a fun and solid core of a twin-stick shooter here! The core gameplay works well, there's a nice ramp-up of enemy spawns, the music is fun and fits well. There was a good use of the theme and I really like the help section, it's set up nicely and looks polished. I think some cool thoughts for expanding it would be having timed stages you must survive that take place in different real-world locations that had notable outbreaks (example: Wuhan, Italy, Brazil, USA). Also more variety of enemies would be a nice addition, for example rare Covids that are tougher but drop health pickups, or Covids that drop something like scatter-shot ammo. I think sanitizer as an ammo is a pretty neat concept, but the pickups need to give more ammo as at a certain point you have to end up spamming it just to take them out and it runs out faster than you can kill enemies even if every one of your shots hit. The blast ability I thought was also a good addition, but it's never explained how to use/activate it. I figured it out, but I think having to click on it to activate it distracts from focusing on the enemies, so changing it to be a button press like spacebar would probably be better. Cool game though, I'd like to see you develop it further!