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Very innovative game concept you have here! I thought the intro was fun and really well done. The planet designs are cute, I especially liked the sun. Did you design the music? If so bravo it was excellent! If not, well good choice of music. I did encounter some bugs though. For example, the endless mode and about buttons on the menu don't work at all. Also, on my first playthrough the game froze after completing the first planet :( I think the concept is interesting and unique, I thought the dialogue was pretty good and the part about naming the virus was pretty funny! As for  criticisms: I feel like the power bars for the planets health should start at full, it seems odd that they start  close to empty and it makes it more difficult to see how close they are to  reaching zero. The second level in particular is very difficult (I couldn't get past it) and I found it extremely hard to focus on both planets and powers, especially with them moving around and going behind the UI. Speaking of the UI, I think it could be scaled down, and the  transparent panels on the text popups make it difficult to read, making them less transparent would help a lot.

Thanks for your rating and playing. apologize for all bugs , I did notice that but I'm not able to update after submitting. About the level design, yes it too hard, it was my fault.  My workflow is to build the whole ability system first (5 planets and 10 abilities) then start the level design. But because of some reason (CyberPunk2077 grab my team xd), I only have 1 hour to configure the level information at the end and didn't test more. So, anyway,   trying to show the game concept (human is the virus on planets)  and the cute art design is the least purpose of this demo, hope it works. btw, I love the cute planet design as well, it was designed by my cute artist Ruby  Thanks for ur comment again.