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Hi, for those of you debating regarding the price, I'll say it is "debatable". I've been a supporter for a couple of games that I have got from Itchio and other websites promoting adult content regarding gender and sexuality. This is a great step and thanks to many developers who have taken the initiative to do so. Now coming back to Robin Morning wood Adventures, the game is good. It has a nice story and a great script but of course, it's not perfect. The game has diversity in it but as an Indie game, devs need to get in touch with the maximum audience knowing that such genres of games have a limited audience. In my opinion, this is where the game is lacking. I have played the demo version and its good and I bet the final version is even better. Those of you who have already paid good for you but 30 dollars is still overpriced and overhyped for reasons I do not know. Does the game have something different to over to its target audience?

If yes, is it in terms of graphics? Does the game have cross-platform promotions for someone to get it? The game is at best played as a 'demo' considering that the price is not justifying the quality of the game in terms of graphics nor the satisfaction at the end of the day. Robin Morning Wood Adventures is a game that applies 2D graphics and flat designs which is nothing new. A lot of Indie games adopt such game styles because its cheaper and affordable which is understanding but then again consumers buy products to what they are worth. Now I can understand Indie games don't have much funding but when you're competing with thousands of new Indie games such as games on Itchio itself, this game just falls in line with the others instead of being unique in a competitive market. It just doesn't convince me to spend 30 dollars in any way. Giving an example of steam, one of the biggest online gaming platform backed by a big company like Valve, in a hypothetical situation this game would probably sell at 20 with a sale at max 15 dollars because games similar to this aren't that convincing but just because it has 'gay', 'sexual' or 'gender' in it doesn't make it exclusive either for 30 dollars. Obviously knowing that a couple of people become overly dramatic and sensitive saying that this is 'disrespectful' or 'how can you say this', it's constructive criticism and its in every Industry not just gaming.

Especially when you'r competing with thousands of other games being released every year.


Saying that you don't think it's worth $30, and outlining why you have that opinion is not disrespectful, no.  Calling out the price of $30 as a joke, with no substantive reasoning other than not liking it is certainly not constructive, and could be construed as disrespectful.

It's certainly ok to not want to spend $30 for this game, and I would never fault anyone for voicing that opinion.  

I for one do think that it's worth that price.  Is it a particularly groundbreaking game in terms of graphics or game mechanics?  No.  However, it is expanding a very sparsely populated genre of games, one that I find to be enjoyable.  I find the story to be interesting, and I think it's simply fun to play.  Is this game for everyone?  No.

To be clear, I am not at all saying your post is disrespectful, nor do I think any less of you because you personally don't believe it is worth the money.  That being said, I don't think the  above comment about a different post being disrespectful was uncalled for.


I don't have anything to do with the other post, I'm just giving out my opinion.