The aesthetics of this, especially the sound design, are really well done but gameplay wise it feels like you took all the worst aspects of the series (particularly Silent Hill 3) and threw them in for some reason:
-Death pits. Just no. It's obnoxious as hell and does nothing but serve to irritate the player, especially when many of them seem to be intentionally obfuscated by the camera angles.
-Bizarre camera angles. Fixed camera and tank controls can work really well, but right now there are quite a few spots in the motel where items you can grab, enemies and pitfalls are difficult to see because of their positioning. There is also this weird tendency to have areas where you traverse a narrow walkway with the camera either very zoomed out so you can't make out where your protagonist is moving, or where the camera angle suddenly changes dramatically halfway across a narrow plank.
-Extremely high damaging enemies on Hard. Yes, I know, it's Hard difficulty for a reason, but having the flying enemies kill the player in 2-3 hits when it takes multiple energy drinks to recover that lost health is silly.
EDIT: Got stuck at the clock puzzle. I have 3 notes which highlight the numbers 43-23-32. I see you stated in another comment that this requires knowledge of cryptography - I think it's an extremely bad idea to expect esoteric outside knowledge from the player when approaching a puzzle, just like with the infamous Shakespeare puzzle in SH3. I have no idea even with a basic understanding of what cryptography is how you are supposed to approach this. You have 3 numbers, seemingly with no relation to each other whatsoever, in a sea of equally unrelated numbers, and from this you are supposed to determine which clock hand to manipulate and what value to set it to. At first I thought it was simply the position of the highlighted number in the text document, which gives a solution roughly around 6:35:35, but this wasn't the case. The other solution I thought of was that the numbers are directly indicating clock hand position, since a clock face goes from 1-60, and the numbers are analogous to Second-Minute-Hand based on which values are higher than the others, for example: 23=Second because it's the lowest, then 32 for Minute, and lastly 43 for hour, which gives us the solution of 8:23:32, but this also was not it. I'm at a total loss as to what else you could expect the player to think here.
There's also a padlock with a 3 letter code, which I have found absolutely nothing relevant for at all, and a book that talks about POW's during the Vietnam War using a system of tapping on the ceiling and pipes to communicate...which also doesn't seem to be relevant to anything at all.