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I thought this was a pretty simple and great mechanic! Easy to understand and the tension builds the longer you  stay alive. The graphics are really well done, nice particle effects and just enough bloom to give it that neon feel. The sounds were  great too, I liked the announcer voice. As for criticisms: I found the big bold text a little hard to read for the longer bits of text. I think it works well for titles but a thinner more easy to read font would be better for the full sentences - also maybe darken the screen behind it a bit. I did encounter a frustrating aspect of the controls, which was the rotation/aiming of the character seemed to like to stick  a bit. I wish it were a bit more fluid, something about it seemed like it was trying to lock my aim into place where I didn't want it and it caused me to die more than a few times. If you can figure out what's doing that and fix it I think you have a very solid here that can easily be expanded by adding new levels with different obstacles, weapons, etc.