1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?
Hi, name is Zaquira and a person who likes to find new things to do
2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?
no, first time. My reason is cause I love making things its just something i do.
3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?
my favorite games are like a long list. I love visual novels, rpgs, and esepcialy indie games no matter how simple they may look.
4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?
5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!
creatvity, i love being creative with no matter what i do.
6. What are your goals for this game jam?
personally just to start something and go through with it. I always seem to lost interest in any project I do.