Shoot out! - Scorpion-Software - Optional Feedback
7 responses
Great idea! Sometimes i was not sure which player was in control? And score was always 0 at the end.
I would prefer to aim with the analogue stick but i really enjoyed the blood splatter effects. Would love to see an update
Played this one for the longest of any of them. Addicting and unique!
A very solid entry. It just needs new art and some bg music to build up a little tension. Other than that it feels almost like a full NES game release.
if you feel like adding things maybe a local multiplayer could be nice.
This was pretty fun. Not played a game like this before, and although I had issues as the RB button on my OUYA controller is damaged, I did manage to make it to about round 17 or 18 before they got me. Some levels feel impossible as I get shot before I could possibly fire back at 2 enemies, but other than that it's quite good.
Oof, the bots are good. This is a SUPER fun game. Thank you for adding the aim lines. Very excited to keep playing this one.