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I have a NVIDIA 940MX which is a 2GB GDDR5 gpu, still I get low fps with lags...... pls add optimization in your games, it is an important component of a game

Woah, dude! I also have a NVIDIA 940MX, 4GB DDR3, and its sooo laggy. Lucky you have GDDR5 lol. And ya, we need optimization for such games. 

People need to stop with this whole thing where they think the graphics card is the be all and end all. For the most part the performance of a game is heavily affected by the ammount of RAM you have as the RAM is what stores all of the temp files, a high core CPU is also needed to increase read and write speeds of those files. Most modern day games need a minimum of 16GB ram these days.

Actually it depends heavily on the game what requirements you need for optimal performance. Sometimes a good high core count cpu is needed, sometimes a good single core performing cpu and a good graphics card and sometimes a little more RAM. The thing with the high core count cpu to increase write and read speeds is not true anymore nowadays. Because even a modern Hard Drive has read/write speeds of around 200 Megabytes a second. If that Hard Drive has some ssd cache the speeds go way up for small files(<100MB or so). Just wanted to clarify that.