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Ace: oki

Connie: oki dokie then!

Makes a small portal to her home*

Connie: there we go

Ace: fun!!

Ace: fun!!

Connie: well.. after you!

Maddy: *goes in the portal*

goes in portal with her*

:( Connie has an older sister named emy ):

emy: what did I tell you about using magic Connie... and who is this friend that you bring here

Connie: this is maddy! 

Maddy: h-hi

emy: hello there.. hmm.. I smell blood..

emy walks closer*

Connie: emy no..

Ace: growls* steps back* i wouldn't do that if i were i.

emy: sorry about that... imma go up stairs

emy goes to her room*

Connie: I am very sorry about that maddy!!