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Maddy: nah its okay!

Connie: my sister gets agressive when she smells blood, the same goes with me sometimes..

Maddie: oh ok.. I can control my thirst tho

Connie: I wish I could.. then I would not hurt people

tucks in wings*

Maddy: oh.. Well u just gotta learn! *tail and ears dissapear*

Connie: hmm.. maybe you can teach me.. ?

Maddy: sure! So when u smell blood and u know u cant control it think about something else. Or walk away and do something else

Connie: oki dokie! I shall test it out

she opens a bottle of blood*

eyes glow red*

Connie: mmm... no... must resist...

puts vinegar in mouth and quickly closes lid*

Connie: agh.. I think it worked?

maddy: see now thats good!

Connie: yep! Viniger taste salty.. now I really want blood

she opens back the bottle of blood and drinks it all*

Connie: that’s better..