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maddy: oki! That sounds great!!

Connie: let me get changed

gets clothes from closet and goes to bathroom*

Maddy: ok. Do u mind if i borrow some clothes?

Connie: oki dokie! I have clothes that might fit you

she gives her some clothes*

maddy: these are great thanks! * goes tk bathroom to get changed*

Maddy: done!!

Connie: oki dokie

Connie: I’m not sure if this is a nice outfit for going out but it’s better than nothing!

maddy: no no no its cute!!

Connie: aww thanks maddy!

emy walks in with a muzzle on*

emy: hey guys..

Connie: uhm.. why are you wearing a muzzle?

emy: so I won’t be able to hurt you like before!

maddy: your welcome connie! And oh emy if u wanna learn to control i can teach u

emy: oh um oki..

emy bends down to Connie and looks at the mark on her neck*

Connie: emy it’s oki, it was not your fault

emy: here... gives her a snow flower* I should be getting ready for work.. I’ll be back soon