I actually didn't know this was a sitting experience, did you mention this somewhere and I missed it? I don't see it in the description. Tried it sitting down and my height issue now makes sense.
I am also curious, are you a programmer? do you have any previous experience (C++ is a tough language)? I'm not trying to pry at anything, but there is a rookie mistake in the latest build that is a SERIOUS problem. In case you didn't notice the shortcuts you made to start the server-host application and client application are both shortcuts for YOUR system, they do not work on any other system unless the file paths are changed to the users system. For example yours says "C:\Users\david\Documents\Unreal Projects\Project_TitanfallVR\Build\WindowsNoEditor\Project_TitanfallVR.exe" -game for client, this does not work for me nor will it anyone else. You need to instruct people to setup this shortcut themselves it isn't (as far as I know) possible to setup shortcuts automatically for everyone as its system specific.
Finally, if you know the ports your server is hosted on theoretically you can just port-forward to allow people to play online through the internet.
(btw there is nothing wrong with having little or no previous experience on game development but you sure as hell picked up a large project.)
P.S. Not trying to be rude or mean, I wanted to point these things out and couldn't find a way to PM you.