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Yup. Absolutely. Those tweaks are all improvements. Level 2 in particular feels way more satisfying taking shots through small sightlines/through rails. :-) Spent a couple more hours with it have some more feedback on core gameplay and bugs.

-Ironsighting the machine gun and shotgun is pretty much impossible. when you pull the weapons up to your shoulder they seem to collide with the player head model and get pushed away. It effectively means you pretty much have to treat the long guns as handguns. To iron sight them you have to extend both arms straight in front of you instead of a more natural "at the shoulder" stance.

-BUG: Player gun model counts as hitting the client when it comes into contact. It feels like the chambered round has an active hit box that triggers on touching the client. It really messes up gameplay on level three when you follow the client upstairs. I kept dying there in what felt like a random way until I figured out what was going on. (Is it intentional to let you pistol whip enemies?)

-BUG: Music volume slider seems to be broken. It's either 100%, or 0% if pulled to the far left


-consider adding some cover spots. on level one you're completely in the open and the client doesn't seem interested in finding cover. (Crisis Vrigade does a great job of being super hard, while still giving you cover options for an example.) I'm assuming you want this to be a hard "learn by dying" style game? 

-Consider adding a quick restart option on failing a level instead of going back to base - it would make the steep difficulty not so punishing by speeding up the "learn by dying" game loop. It's a "quality of life" tweak.

-Bullet time helps, but it feels like player bullets slow more than the enemies'. It makes it hard to dodge shots, especially when facing several enemies. Could use a balance tweak there. I guess it would also give it a little nuanced gameplay experience if you could more effectively dodge during bullet time. 

-I noticed on level one the only practical way to make it through is clean headshots. It's quite difficult, even on "normal" difficulty. Bullets are bouncing off enemy guns? Took a while to realize shots weren't landing because of it. I think that's partly because the lack of antialiasing is making some of those ricochet trails not render fully on distant enemies. Perhaps an audio cue on a percentage of the ricochets would help?

-On level one, consider making the client react better by sticking with the player. If you run for the limited cover options between the containers, he's sorta just standing there. I like on level 2 & 3 how he seems more willing to protect himself by moving around. 

-I strongly expected the shotgun on Level 3 kitchen table to be loaded. it would make sense if it was given the circumstances. :-)

-Game didn't remember progress? After playing a couple of sessions it would still make me do some training in the range on game start before showing the menu options in the office.

-Looks like the shotgun is firing a single shot, not a spread like I would have expected. (Are they slugs instead of pellets?) It makes the shotgun feel more like a pump-action rifle than a shotgun if that makes sense.

Thank you for taking your time to provide me feedback @artnik !

Some of the features like using guns to whip enemies, restarting by going back to base, and being on the open without cover were all deliberate. But I understand your point of view.

I will have a look at the bugs and expect an even better updated release in a few days.

Thanks again !