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Going into Anger Foot I knew exactly what to expect. Fun levels, a timer, and the incessant need to try and beat my previous time. I don't have a particular love for this genre of game, but without fail I find myself wrapped up in trying to beat my previous time over and over. It's simple and enjoyable fun that'll last ya for a while, so long as you're entertained.

Unfortunately Anger Foot doesn't keep you entertained for long because it shoots itself in the foot by being criminally short. On my very first play through I only managed to get 11 minutes of playtime out of it, and that was with needing to redo the second level a number of times. I can't fault it for this, because it's both a "prototype" and a 7DFPS game jam entry, I expected it to be short. But, the game didn't need to start gettin' good on me and then abruptly end.

Gameplay is what you'd expect though, run and gun, restarting when you mess up. Somtimes dying because you can't shoot. Maybe a little more than sometimes. Level design is pretty nice, I mean I never stopped and questioned the bathrooms connecting two separate rooms, or why some dude was just in a closet by himself. I think my biggest complaint was level 3 for being gun heavy, it felt like it wasn't Anger Foot, but Anger Gun. Partly that could be because there are only a small handful of levels, but it just stuck out like a sore thumb to me.

Speaking of guns, I have one more complaint. When you get shot the effects displayed make it very difficult to recover from, or at least for me. You can recover from it, and one could honestly argue just to not get hit. However, I found the visuals really distracting and it would frustrate me when I wasn't able to recover or when I would get it. I'd honestly prefer to just be KO'd in a single hit.

Overall Anger Foot turned out to be a fun little game. It doesn't really scratch my itch for a fast paced, run and gun, beat your previous time type of game. It just ends way too abruptly and leaves me wanting more. So I hope you guys continue to develop the game into something more. You've got something simple and nice here!

Thanks for the detailed feedback! Really appreciate the time.