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Ah so then Chase did Kill Syd... That's upsetting as well. BUT I think he was possessed when it happened. That's how ima see it to stay sane. Also I think ill try either an alternate Flynn ending or TJ ending. Or both lol

Yeah, upsetting! Especially since I was routing for Chase the whole time!

I'm pretty sure he did not do it by himself, something did take control!

Sounds good, Flynn's ending upset me too.

WHY DID I JUST FIND OUT ABOUT CARL AND CHASE?? welp time to write even more 

Lol! I'm writing version two of my alternate ending now.

You have yours posted anywhere? I'd be happy to read it and can give you a link to mine.

its not posted yet but when it is ill let u know

Alright, cool!

I'm writing a second version of mine.