Happy New Year! These last updates seem so dope! When the game launches on steam, i'm 100% buying it.
Got an idea for the inquisitor, add to the trait list (ex. militancy) , a 'corruptness' trait which makes enshadowment easier when higher, and have the inquisitor be from the current ruler and hunt down corrupt nobles. Make it so that when an inquisitor arrests a noble, if they are enshadowed, the current ruler gets suspicion of everyone in their land proportionate to how much each character was liked by the corrupt and enshadowed noble.
This makes corrupt nobles a high risk high reward thing, they're easy to enshadow and spread shadow to other corrupt nobles but if an inquisitor arrests them, you need to urgently kill the ruler or they may start hunting down everyone who was close to that noble, eg. your enthralled.
Basically, dont make all the agents be anti-player, make be against something natural in the world that helps / empowers the player. This corruptness thing could also be used by investigators to influence relations between nobles, a non-corrupt noble would try to act against a corrupt one but a corrupt one would try to get closer to them to profit.