The rulebook for this game could use some extra detail.
1. When cards are discarded, are discarded cards shuffled back into the Scraps deck? Are they shuffled back in when the Scraps deck is empty, or whenever cards are discarded?
2. When a snack is purchased using Boldness, are the scraps that were used discarded, or do they stay in the hand?
3. Can more than one snack be purchased in a single turn?
4. Snack cards have victory points, but these are not mentioned in the rulebook. Are they used to score the overall winner, or do only the snack cards that are held in your hand count towards victory?
5. It would be good to clarify on Event cards' texts that they only apply to the person who drew the event, not to every player who drew cards so far in this round. "Discard all cards drawn this round" sounds like it might apply to everyone, but "Discard all of the cards you drew this round" is better.
6. The text for Swoop is confusing. My understanding is that Snack cards don't become part of your hand normally --- although the rulebook makes it sound like they do with the text: "the cards you already have in your hand (other than Snack cards)". So when you play Swoop, the player you're swooping shuffles their hand and their snack cards together, then holds the bundle out to you so that you can steal a random card (which may be a snack). After the card is stolen, the player again separates their snacks from their hand.