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I think it's safe to say you won the Aesthetics category. The ambient music, the stunning visuals, the uniqueness of the Mobius strip, everything about the game comes together to make a beautiful experience.

...Except, in my opinion, the gameplay. I couldn't get a good flow going because I felt like the game was actively trying to punish me. I can't count the number of times I jumped on a launch pad only to land directly in front of another one with no time to react, losing any speed boost I could have earned. And that's when the game allows me to jump on the bounce pads at all, instead of landing just short enough to miss them but not enough to jump over it (admittedly this is a personal problem, but the fact that it occurred with such regularity just left a sour taste in my mouth).

(2 edits)

It is not 'your personal problem', I sure know that it is something that needs to be addressed in a game. I felt it too  a bit and obviously I spent a lot of time in the game to have a better feeling abound the jumps, ergo for another person it must be 10x that. It sure is something that has no place when you are aiming for a flow feel I aimed with this game. It also is the reason I choose doublejump instead of other 'side effects' (like dash etc) for the jump, using that you can prevent situation like this -most of the time-. It is still not good enough for potential release or anything, I fully understand that it can very well break the experience/feeling/mood I tried so hard to evoke. It just couldn't be tuned up more with all other tasks at hand within the 48 hours, I couldn't make the flow perfect.

But I'm well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of this particular prototype, and if I picked up on it some day, I sure would first and foremost focus on finetuning these breaking points and enhance the surreal/etheric/(? , not that good with english to find proper words) dynamics the game is working with.

Thanks a lot for the feedback overall, you are sure right, I tried as hard as possible but I can't hide the fact that it's still a 'prototype' with regards to real world production.