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If I was the creator I would do anything somebody would want me to update

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do you not realize to it takes a while to update something! Klopity can't just do everything in a second. 

Klopity has put all his time into this game just to get asked everyday about crew mate mode!

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I don't even care about it

and I know where his house is



so your telling me you know where his house his?

ima pretend I believe that


stfu man

I'm serious I know where it is so stop being an idiot


fine tell me the address dumbass.. Lmao what now


you stop being the idiot, I bet your next excuse will be your fucking friends with elon musk


i reported both u pieces of crap

so maybe you could stfu

i will, just tell him to stop saying he knows where his house his!

I don't really know where his house is

why did you say it tho


Thats sarcastic but still hes/she has no inner personal imfo about any ones adress or personal accuse of disrespecting the laws oder of the adress or the adress of the persons location, after all you are a cop.. right?.. or is it just a user. the world may never know either will I maybe you go on this website just to play. anyways if any personal imfo is spreaded in a way of tech then that contans the law of "Condundresty"...

just a user


i- SISTER language.

hey dumbass, if you know where his house is then kill him so you can be the developer of a small indie game on itch but just remember youll also be charged with murder and homicide and will have to stay in prison for 41 years. your scaring nobody

its been 23 days since the game updated

what the hell man your really getting on my nerves 

klopitys not our slave! 

were just a player, a bystander and klopitys the creator. the creator decides how they want their creation to be, no?

if you were the creator and you really did every single thing you would die from sleep deprivation or would quit a couple days in. 

when you show your family something cool your working on and they say wow that's cool and then they suggest things to you, when you hear ideas that you dont think you want to try does your family shout at you? NO!

realize that this guy can make updates faster then intersloth who has 3 people. this is one person. 

sure you want something added so yes if you were the creator you would do that. but you would come across things that you think would make it unfun and you would be criticized constantly.

so back the fuck off and stop being a little asshole