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1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?

Hi hi all my Name is Kat!! XD

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?

No, I didn't; This will Literally be my First Jam!!! XD I'm Joining cause I have Alot  of Game Ideas I'd like to make someday, but I'm not so good at Pacing myself/have a Lack of Experience in actually Making them start to finish, so. . . So I am joining This and Other jams to give me a set Date/Goal, so I can Learn and Finish things and be able to Point at something/Give something to someone and say "I made this I Hope you enjoy ! >:3" XD

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?

*iuytfgyhujk* GOODNESS where to even BEGIN!! I could literally be here be here for Days and not get through it all! XD Well, Let's See;

Myst (Never finished (I played it in like 5th grade ;D;'') Still Love it/the Story, though!! XD), Knights of the Old Republic II (One of the first Real Games I played myself!!! *Love it to Death* and am Pretty Miffed they weren't able to do that Spectacular Ending that was originally planned for it ;D; *Makes ya Cry, Man!*), Jade Empire (ANOTHER OF MY FIRST GAMES!!! Love love LOVE it Love the Lore Love the Characters Love the Story Love love Love it all!! XD *Also makes me cry, Lol ;D;'''*),  Final Fantasy 13 (*KUYTFGH THIS WAS THE GAME THAT FIRST GOT ME BACK INTO GAMING!!!* I mean I had played Games like Halo for years but *THIS game brought me back into Story Based Stuff!!!* (Story/Characters are my Absolute Favorite Parts of Games, Lol, Although Every part is Great!!! XD) I Loved the Characters, the World, the *new*ness of it all. . . The Art killed me, the Music Killed me, the Character Arcs Killed me, . . . It will Forever be in my heart as one of my Absolute Favorites ;u;),  Final Fantasy 4 (I'll be Honest I haven't finished it yet,  but *HO-LAY DANG DO I LOVE IT SO FAR!!!!* THE *CHARACTERS!!!!* (I know I've said that alot, but *uytfghjkl it just means so Much to me/I Love it All* uyttfgyh My Goodness!!! ;D;///) I Really love how you can see what the characters are thinking at any given time if you go to their menu!! XD *It adds So Much Depth to their characters* without being Intrusive on the Story and *uytrfghuj I ADORE it!! XD* Really just Love it guys, Lol XD) Crystal Story 2 (iuytfg I just Love it ;D; Tis so Cute and there's Story and iugyftgvhbjklkji It's just Amazing I Love it ;D;), and the Last one I'll add,  and Probably my Most favorite at this point in time; Hatoful  Boyfriend (*OIUYTFGYHUJI THIS GAME* I DON'T EVEN LIKE DATING SIMULATORS!!! I HATE THEM WITH A PASSION!!! But I saw 'Bird Dating Sim' and I'm like "Nah nah That's just Hilarious Everyone's saying they cry at it Let's take a look" *I CRIED ACTUAL TEARS OVER THIS GAME ;D;* THIS THIS *THIS*THIS Is just a Work of Art Honestly I Love it to Death I Love how they handled the characters/Story/Actual Story It is a Hyper Inspiration and I just Love it Well Done, Hatoful Boyfriend Creator, Well Done ;D;)

so Yeah!! These are the games that Inspire/have Inspired me!! XD These, Plus like *EVERY GAME I'VE EVER WATCHED PLAYED/EVERY STORY I'VE READ/EVERY SHOW I'vE WATCHED/EVERY VIDEO/RANT I'VE WATCHED ON THE SUBJECT/EVERY CONVERSATION I'VE HAD WITH MY FRIENDS OVER STORIES AND CHARACTERS AND* It's just. . .  *there's So Much ;D;'''* Everything I see inspires my Stories/Ideas and I Love love Love it all!! ;D;//


4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?

A Little!! I have an Associates Degree in Animation/Video game design so I've Taken a few classes!! XD *Is a Chronic Procrastinator, however,* so I have yet to truly Finish a game of my own ;D;'' (I'm hoping this Jam will help me Out of it, Though!! XD) and Ah, Flash for the most part, although I've looked up RPG maker quite a bit, Lol! XD

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!

***UNHOLY SCREAMING*** (See #3, Lol!! XD) but YEAH I'm passionate about Life and my *STORIES* That's what Really gets me going X3 *Loves Each and Every One her stories to Death* I want to make them all someday. I've lost count of how much I have but uiyftdckjhgf Some are Manga, Some are Video games, Some are Animations, Some are Animated Series, I have at least One Movie one. . . *shakes head* There's So Much /u\ but Yeah!! I Love Them, to be honest, and I Hope to one day share All of them with Everyone, Lol!!! XD

6. What are your goals for this game jam?

My Goal is to, by the End of 2 weeks/the jam, have a Finished Product (even if it's tiny/not perfect X3) and be able to Show it to people/have them Play it/be proud/Happy over what I have created X3 I Hope this will help me gain Experience in Not just Game development (like, Especially with Music/Code/Putting everything Together, Lol ''XD) but also Time Management (Pacing myself, not going Overboard with Perfectionism but still Doing my Absolute Best, Finishing XD) so I can use it towards All my Next Projects and Games, Lol!! XD *Looks Forward to the Challenge with Anticipation and Excitement >:3*

7. Any advice to new jammers (if you're a veteran)?

Haha, Nope, Not Yet!! XD Perhaps Someday though, Yeah? ;3 XD


Hope Everyone has Fun, I Look Forward to Jamming with you all, Good Luck, Godspeed and God Bless!!! XD