Nice demo. After poking around a bit, I was missing Factorio-style circuit conditions for the bots. Like if pole < 50 then do this and if plank < 50 then do that. 1000 seems like such a wasteful amount to build up to, but I suppose at this stage it's more of a little detail than a critical necessity.
I botched charcoal production somehow (I'm still not sure how exactly, probably clicked a few too many times when doing the script) and went off to do stuff and after a while I came back to see 228 logs in what was supposed to be the charcoal warehouse. Is there an easy way to empty it out? I guess I could build another storage next to it, but this was sort of a surprise log storage that might be useful too, if it wasn't in the location it currently resides at.
Perhaps the general storage could rename itself after an item has been put inside. Then in the scripts you would see commands like "Move to xyz storage" instead of everything being a general storage. That would make debugging easier at a glance as well.