Hi there, happy to see some new game developed for the good old Amiga. So I bought it on here for a bit of support. ;)
I just have a small problem, the game won't boot. The intro works fine but as soon as I try to boot the game, it's blackscreen for me. System is an Amiga 500 with 1mb chip and 64mb of fast ram with a 68030 (with MMU) running at 50 Mhz, Kickstart 3.1.
Tried to run it from HD and my Gotek drive, both times the same result, I have yet to try to copy it on a floppy disk and try it from there, but I guess the result would be the same.
Don't get me wrong, this is not a complaint (my hardware is a bit non standard, I know ;) ) just wanted to let you know and ask if you probably already heard of this problem. I will just try it on UAE until i can figure out what the problem could be.