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No problem! This link for linux version:

The link is also added to the page.

Important : This is my first Linux build. I am not able to test it for new bugs and I am not able to test it for optimization. The game on Linux can be very poor quality, it was originally intended for windows. I must warn you about this!

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Thank you for your kind consideration, but unfortunately I don't have linux. However, I will rate you 5/5 stars for great developer service :D

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o_0 Who are you? What are you? What is your system? XD

You shocked me by saying that you do not have Linux. Mac?

Yes, I am embarrassingly a mac user

Mac. Ver :

I don't know what files the mac needs, but I think the unity did everything right. Have a nice game. But I warn you again, I don't know what the optimization will be on the Mac.