Dope game. - it is positive review.
Negative part: the Late Game is underdeveloped.
At wave 20 (approximately) you already dont mind zombies.
At waves 25-30 you stop to care about ammo, it starts to grow.
After wave 35 there is no real progress, except slow stats pumping.
What expected at LATE GAME:
Solution 1: When two big guns are pumped to 100 dmg each - player being announced that there are 10 waves left, each grows significantly with the final "boss" wave (beatable ofc). Then "endgame" script.
Solution 2: To limit amount of waves to 50 with final "boss wave" (beatable). Then endgame screen.
Funny option for both solutions: endgame screen provides an option to continue game infinitely (just in case:)
Other late game perks:
1) Auto-collecting coins (cost 1000 coins, worth it at late game).
2) Ultimate kill-em-all bewmb.
// me died at wave 67 only because I became lazy to avoid zombies and started to rush through them, with 1000+ both pumped to 100 dmg sniper and rocket bullets and 7000+ smg bullet (50+ dmg).
So game is generally playable until 50-60 waves, then it becomes boring.
// me came here via that ytb video ;)