Hey there, I am very interested in your game and am already planning to throw my money at you, but I'd like to know something first.
As I understand this demo is playable on a real Amiga, is there a special configuration needed (ram and or cpu) or should it work on any model? I ask because I can run it on UAE with no problem, but when I try on my Amiga 500 it starts to load, after a while my disk drive goes nuts and after a few seconds I get a garbled screen and nothing else.
My config is an Amiga 500 Rev. 6a, Kick 3.1, with 1mb chip, 64mb fast ram a 68030 at 50Mhz with MMU, a real floppy and a gotek drive (both go insane while loading)
Perhaps you encountered this also during development and have an idea where the problem is, if not I can alwayss use UAE.
Thanks for reading.