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Excellent! I'll get started on the next few stages then. I'm not sure how wordy they'll be yet, but I'll just write as much as I think is appropriate, and I can alter it after the fact, pending approval from everyone!

(1 edit)

You're an excellent sport to this whole project.

What you wrote right now. Would say the first one could absolutely be used. The only sentence to make changes to would be to remove the ''-''->((Pounds of))<- firm teen tit meat grow upon her chest, ''

Would say the best cause of action is for you to just write and not feel like you have limitations. The transformations could have various length, making them short or longer depending on what you feel.

only thing to maybe keep in mind that these can be done s cutscenes with an illustration. 

But the more various poses/locations she's in, the more art needs to be drawn. 

(So say all her 1-5 stages happen on her desk then only 1 illustration is needed (with edits (no problem))

(If all 1-5 stages happen on either her desk or bed then 2 illustrations are needed and so on.)

But don't let that stop you, So gonna say just try it and then let's see if anything needs change in the workflow. 

Sure! I was kind of thinking that somewhere along the line her desk could do double duty as a vanity/work space, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

Also, I was planning on writing this next sequence under the assumption that she won't actually notice the changes itself, but she will notice the changes in her day to day life because of them. For example, her breasts being strangely needy and sensitive recently, or the leering gazes of boys as they eye her chest in passing, something that likely hadn't happened before. If people have any input as to whether or not this seems like a good idea, it'd be much appreciated. I'm just kinda working off the cuff right now to see what fits and what doesn't.

Oh yeah that also makes sense. All your ideas sounds pretty neat, feel like you should just go for it. But otherwise if there's any doubt C.Snacks is the one to consult!