Hey Metalax, Thanks for making this useful comment :)
I'll look into why color names dont work, thanks for pointing it out, but using hex: <span style="color:#0000ff;">word</span> should work in the meantime.
I'll have the multiple-choices fixed with the next update, both the color-change and placing the Id into the activated-array, but I'm pretty sure they should show on the Selected-choice rows after the last update.
EDIT: It does not show them if Groups are used, a bug.
I think I made the 'Will make another choice unselected'-function as a band-aid solution for the score-requirements and forgot about it, I'll make a better solution with the next update.
I will see what I can do with the images, place a switch at the row, and add a new design menu where the scores can be modified depending on whether they are negative or positive and point-type.
Thanks again for the great feedback :)