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(1 edit)

Hmm that is really hard for us to do, because our game heavely relies on 2d art pieces, which are animated seperately in code. So an animation may include like 100 art assets already.
The framework we use doesn't support playing videos (yet) on browsers, so that way of optimizing isn't viable for us (and also removes the ability for some randomization and other code related stuff). The amount of files/art we're going to create and use will increase each version, so we're bound to reach that limit sooner or later.

Thanks for your help though!

Fair enough, the only thing I can think of that may help is to use Texture Atlases, at least if you aren’t using them already or haven’t considered them. From the wikipedia page:

In web development, images are packed into a sprite sheet to reduce the number of image resources that need to be fetched in order to display a page.

Having said that I’m not sure of the details of your project, and how easy it will be to implement something like this.