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An interesting submission! The large town invites players to explore, but at the moment there isn't much to do but interrogate the king and queen. I wasn't able to find the shop or spend gold collected from fights. The dialog and story were respectable, I especially liked the ability to call out suspicious behaviour. 

On my first run I accidentally exited the town before learning that I couldn't get back in. The introduction fight was at just the right level but most of the fights in the underground maze were very easy. I gained 5 levels in the underground maze while searching for the exit - the decision to not have any indication of where the exit might be made this section drag on too long. It may have been more interesting to have each of the dead ends have a "false" exit (like a ladder that doesn't lead anywhere) and force the player to memorize which is the correct one. 

The final boss fight was very difficult, which is appropriate but since I couldn't find the shop and had no way to grind levels (and recover afterwards) I went into the final fight with very little health and magic. A great submission for RPG Jam, once the fight > recover > spend money loop is ironed out it will be an impressive title. Nice work!