Pretty good for something made in a week, I like the art and music.
- As others said, that bunny drank too much coffee.
- Lots of leaps of faith (I don't know what I'm going to land on next), especially bad when I see a diamond in the air and think "Oh there must be a platform under that" only to die.
- The level feels very disjointed and chaotic, which doesn't help knowing what to expect next.
- No feedback when you get hurt. Also the snails' damage is random? Sometimes I get hit for 2 and sometimes for 1. Probably a bug.
- If you talk to the wolf guy at the start and leave, you can't skip his text again until you come back to him.
- You fully stop for some time when you attack while on the ground, but not in the air.
- You exported with debug mode on, that's why there's the console. Uncheck "Debug mode" when you save the exported file.
Keep at it!