hi to everyone & especially the devs who dedicate most of their time for our entertainment.
this is my first comment on this site so i hope i would be a helpful person to report some of bugs/mistakes . i just started to play this game and i came through some bugs i would report to help devs to correct them
game version am playing is 1.20 c
ok First .while i was playing in yoshiko's storyline quest i think when she accepted to help that mage dark-skinned elf to find ruines in order to retreave her sword the bug was : characters mixed up just in image thats all (the elf toke place of yoshiko and yoshiko toke the elf place)
Second : when yoshiko finishs helping the elf and goes back to home when she finds that all of her town burned down and engage in a battle with that demon servant of "the queen" the bug was : repeatable fight scene
i dont know if you are supposed to lose BUT when you win you keep repeating the fight. i hope that would be helpful.
and i will be playing this game to find out more actually i loved the idea of the game especially whe there is a lot of adventures (: