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I don't know why but for some reason it just isn't loading. No matter how many times I try it doesn't load. The weird thing is that it has loaded before so I'm just confused.


Hey! Sorry about the inconvenience. Are you trying to load the browser version? Or one of our downloadable versions?


I know I'm not the same person but I have the same problem and I'm using the browser version.

(1 edit) (+1)

Sorry for the inconvenience! Can you share some information on what browser and operating system you're running?


For me on a Mac it doesn't work on chrome, it only runs on safari. It's the same with most other unity games but I think some work.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm also a Mac user and I run into similar issues on Chrome. But no issues with Firefox and Safari. Chrome is just an anomaly when it comes to unity games it seems


im just going to say that  my computer is old and cant even run tf2, but it can run this game(barely) so... you might need to sweep your pc