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Tested now with 8 wired XBox360 controllers (just by myself octopus style) and it works!
Another detail: On my computer going fullscreen with Alt+Enter gives me a black screen.

By the way what's the current known record for 4 players? My kids and I haven't made it passed the U-shaped aliens at 123 seconds. Wondering if the increase in difficulty is a bit steep or if it's just that my kids are 4, 7 and 8 years old and can't give me the backup I need. ;-)

Haha thanks so much for the feedback Supersmo! I really appreciate it. Me and a couple of friends ended up getting so far on one run that some of the enemies stopped spawning so it's possible to actually 'beat' the game in a sense - I'm planning on doing an update to the game soon to try and balance it a bit better, iron out the bugs, add coloured trails to the players - and as you mentioned, fix the deadzones :) 

Guess me and my kids will have to practice some more then ;-)

Glad to hear that you plan to fix these glitches :-)

(Posted about Defend The Night in a Steam discussion thread about games for more than 4 local players: )

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Verified that deadzone is fixed and fullscreen works with the latest update :-)


Fantastic! Thanks for confirming. More tweaks/changes/polish to come when I have a bit of time. Thanks so much for posting about the game in that Steam topic too, that's really nice of you.