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(3 edits) (+1)

Love it so far! Been looking for a decent novel on the phone so can't wait for more.

Just two issues, the white background with the small thin black text is extremely hard to read which is my main issue, maybe changing the background or making the text bolder and a bit bigger so its easier to read, it could just be my sight but yer!!

and the second which I understand is complicated is the English is a bit hard to understand and doesn't always make sense but I know you're not a native speaker. I maybe suggest getting help translating or going over with a friend who's English! I did this for my Japanese friend we went back and forth and I corrected there English it was a fun process and plus you learn more too!

Either way great work!

P.s made this account just so I could follow and comment on updates! I might even support! Oh yer if you have a Twitter etc would love to know.

Hi! Thank you very much for the review and feedback, it really means a lot to me!

I will definitely improve those two issues for sure! but for the English part... I could work with someone like you said, but that might be another topic in the future.

I would say that this project is on a halt right now, but I have some idea about what the next content will be! So, I hope you stay tuned till next time! :)